Application Wizard with RS-232 Cable for 7600
The 7600 Wizard Software is designed by QuadTech / IET Labs to operate under Windows XP or Windows 8 and higher using Windows Virtual PC XP Mode. From Windows Virtual PC XP Mode, install the software, open 7600 Virtual Front Panel folder on the CD and double-click on the setup icon. The installation will install all required components including a shortcut on the desktop.
The software communicates to the 7600 Plus via the RS-232 port and a null modem cable.
7600 Virtual Front Panel Operation
This program allows configuration, measurements and data from the 7600 to be saved to a file. A measurement can be initiated from the software program. The program allows for single measurements as well as sweeping across a frequency range.
Result screen
Log button will allow file to be opened. You will be prompted to select or enter a file.
If a file exists you will be asked if you want new data to overwrite or append to existing data in the file.
A measurement can be initiated by clicking the Start button. Measurements will also be saved if logging has been initiated, once data has been collected click "Stop Log" button to close file so it can be accessed by another program such as Excel.
Clicking the "Not Locked Out" button will lock the front panel of the unit, clicking the "Locked Out" button will unlock the front panel of the unit
Configure button will open the configure screen
A test and test conditions can be configured on the left side, use "Update Test" to send configuration to the 7600 System conditions can be configured on the right side, use "Update Sys" to send configuration to the 7600 Single or Sweep measurements can be selected with available features such as number of measurement points, start and stop frequency and linear or log sweep
Exit button returns to the Results screen
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