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General Radio Historical Application Notes

Genrad Application Notes A - B
Genrad Application Notes E Series
Genrad Application Notes EID Series
Genrad Application Notes STX Series
Genrad Application Notes IN Series
Genrad Application Papers

The Message Was Electric. Gems from the Smithsonian. 1888-1984 IEEE Spectrum

Genrad Application Notes A - B

A100 Van Veen, Noise and its Measurement
A102 McAleer, Dynamic Notch Filter
A103 McAleer, Tunnel-Diode Delay-Line Oscillator
A111 Van Veen, Direct-Reading Instruments
A112 Faran, Hybrid Voltmeter 1806.pdf
A117 Van Veen, Piano Tuning.pdf
A12 Scott & Packard,The Sound-Level Meter in the Motion Picture Industry
A120 Van Veen, Nothing Repaces the Slotted Line
A124 McAleer, Unique Frequency Multiplier
A128 Lewis, Freq-Measurinf Reveiver System
A131 McAleer, Diode improves voltmeter's linearity.pdf
A132 McAleer, Design curves for quarter-wave resonators.pdf
A135 Riley, Freq. Stability in Prec. Oscillators
A137 Lewis, R-F Standardization Activities
A141 McAleer, Emitter peaking pushed bandwidth to 500 MHz
A15 Scott, Degerative Sound Analyzer.pdf
A172 McAleer, A Look at Automatic Testing
A173 Kundert, Everything You Wanted to Know About Microphine Meas.
A25 Scott, Audible Audio Distortion
A31 Bosquet et al, Improved Counting-Rate Meter
A33 Bosquet, Radioactivity Meter
A36 Clapp, An LC Oscillator of Unusal Stability
A38 Cady, FM Monitor has Pulse Counter
A40 Clapp, Freq. Meas. By Sliding Harmonics
A44 Cady, TV Station Monitor
A51 Field, Reduction of Losses in Air-cored Coils
A52 Lewis, Checking Freq. & Deviation
A55 Beranek et al Meas. of Loudness
A59 Lewis, U-H-F TV Monitor
A60 Thurston.Testing Speaker In stallations
A65 Clapp. Freq. Stable LC Oscillators
A68 Lewis, Freq. & Time Standards
A70 Clapp, Locked Osc. in Freq. Stds.pdf
A74 Holtje, Line Voltage Regulation
A78 McGregor, Hersh.pdf
A79 McAleer, Phase-Locked Oscillators
A82 McAleer, A Novel Method for Freq. Multication.pdf
A87 McAleer, Mixer Circuit has Clean Output.pdf
A88 Sanderson & Fulks. A Simplified Theory of Noise.pdf
A89 Worthan, Measurement of Impedance
A93 Zorzy & Muehlberger, RF Leakage in Cables
A94 MxAleer, Delay Measurements
A95 Sanderson, Substitution Method.pdf
A96 Hall & Fulks, Active Devices in Bridges.pdf
B12 Hersh Determiantion of 1482 Resonance.pdf
B18 Van Veen, The Commercial Instruction Manual
A100 Van Veen, Noise and its Measurement

Genrad Application E Series

E107 Thurston, A Transfer-Function Bridge
E111 Frozen Motion
E112 Soderman, Rapid VSWR Measurments
E115 Zorzy, A Coaxial Connector for High Precision Measurements 900 Series connectors

Genrad Application EID Series

EID11 Hersh, Dielectric Loss & Permitivity Meas. With GR Precision Cap. Brdgs

Genrad Application STX Series

STX-107 Universal Bridge

Genrad Application Notes IN Series

IN-101 C & L Meas to 100 kHz on 1650-A
IN-102 Series & Parallel Components of Impedance
IN-103 Useful Formulas, Tables & Curves for
IN-104 How Ontario Hydro Surpresses Interference
IN-105 Frequency Spectrum of a Tone Burst
IN-106 Op. of 1133-A Converter with Counters
IN-107 Dynamic Balancing with Portable Equjipment.pdf
IN-108 Generation & Detection of Modulated Pulses.pdf
IN-110 Single, Phase-Coherent Tone Bursts
IN-111 Meas. of Attenuation & Loss
IN-112 Phase Sift & Elect. Length of Two Ports

Genrad Application Papers

Standardization of a Farad by Henry P. Hall
A Precise Standard of High Capacitance
Abenaim & Hersh, New Fused-Silica Capacitors
Frequency Behavior Of Precision Resistors
Hall & Fulks, Active Devices in Bridges
Hall & Pillotte, Testing TFT-LCD Substrates.pdf
Hall, A Technique for Correcting Errors
Hall, AC Voltage Ratio Measurement
Hall, Analog Tests, the uP Scores
Hall, Standardization of a Farad.pdf
How Electronics Changed Z Meas. IMTC 2004
Identifications of Faults on TFT-LCD Substrates
Kremer, H.E.Edgerton & GRStrobes.pdf
McGregor, Hersh et al, A New Apparatus at NBS
Monitoring Assembly From 512-A.pdf
Null Networks I&M Transactions.pdf
Pecora, Enhancing Precision with a Digital Impedance Meter
Solving the TFT LCD Yield Problem.pdf
Time & Freq Meas a NIST.pdf
Two-Stage Precision Transformers, PMA