In The GenRad Tradition

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IET is proud to continue to manufacture and support the metrology related products of General Radio. These include the Standards and Decades products (Resistance, Capacitance, Inductance), Digibridges, Megohmmeters, Audio products, and Strobotac lines.

These products continue to be sought by labs and engineers and are made to the same exacting standards as by GenRad.

GenRad From a Historical Perspective

We have dedicated a portion of our website to share the history and knowledge of GenRad. Here you will be able to

  • Explore the GenRad Experimenters: A wonderful collection of publications which begins in the 1920s and spans several decades.
  • Read about the history of GenRad by Donald Sinclair, Arthur Thiessen and Impedance Measurements with Henry Hall
  • Check out the Genrad Historical Society and experience the GenRad Community
  • Browse historic catalogs, application notes and manuals

IET also maintains a List of refurbished inventory of specialty and discontinued items originally built by GenRad.

IET Labs also has an extensive library of application notes on LCR meters, Megohmmeters, Resistance Standards and other products. Links to these application notes can be found on individual product pages under the Application Notes and Software tab.

Press Releases on GenRad:

February 2000: IET Labs acquired the GenRad standards, impedance decades, megohmmeters, digibridges, audio and strobe lines and now continues to manufacture, service and support these product lines "In the Genrad Tradition...

June, 2005: IET Labs purchased the General Radio Digibridge and Megohmmeter Line from QuadTech

Teradyne 2002: Teradyne acquired the GenRad board test system lines and now continues to manufacture, service and support these product lines.